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This is an extremely dynamic and interactive website. It is powered by cutting-edge back-end software, which supports
the interactive online restaurant menu, and the administrative area of the site.
Visitors are able to chose the items on the menu, add or change ingredients using check boxes and drop-down lists.
The items are added to the shopping tray, as they are being ordered. The content of the shopping tray shows in real
time on the right hand side of all pages during the ordering process. Once there, the items can be edited or removed,
and the quantity of the items in the tray can be increased or decreased, simply by clicking on small buttons.
The order comes to the location via fax.
The users are all registered, which enables the business to send occasional special offers to their customers.
This feature also remembers a customer's last order. The returning customers can go straight to check-out with
the last order, or modify it if they wish.
The administration part of the website enables the client to have complete control of the online menu through a
user-friendly interface. Items, options and extras can be added, edited or removed with great flexibility.
The client can also monitor and edit the users listing in this area.
Graphic Design
The Italian flag colors are chosen for obvious reason. The design is dynamic and playful, meant to attract
young people who are most often pizza consumers. The warm and vibrant, almost "edible" colors encourage
the visitors to order food. Realistic images of fresh food used for the menu headers add to that feeling.
The technical side of the design is also outstanding. Although the layout is complex because of all the lines
which are not straight, the site "stretches" smoothly as the content gets larger on certain pages.